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The Journal of the Korean Astronomical Society (JKAS) - 월2회(연24회)

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The Journal of the Korean Astronomical Society (JKAS) - 월2회(연24회) 기본 정보
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발행사/형태 한국천문학회
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잡지코드 P0000HXT


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The Journal of the Korean Astronomical Society (JKAS)

-Journal Abbreviation : JKAS
-Frequency : Six times a year
-Doi Prefix : 10.5303/JKAS.
-Year of Launching : 1968
-Publisher : The Korean Astronomical Society

The Journal of the Korean Astronomical Society is a publication of the Korean Astronomical Society.
We aim at promoting the original work of researchers in all branches of astronomy and astrophysics.
We cover all categories of work, including observation, theory, methodology, instrumentation, software, and databases.

JKAS publishes three categories of articles: (1) Research Articles that contain new original research; (2) Rapid Communications that are short descriptions of new research results; and (3) Reviews that summarize and present the state of the art in a specific field of research. We invite suggestions for review articles or special issues.

JKAS is an open access journal. We encourage distribution of papers on preprint servers like the arXiv, and we are happy to provide technical assistance.

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